Publisher Square Enix has not yet confirmed what other platforms will receive Final Fantasy 16 once the six-month exclusivity ends (whether it be Xbox, Nintendo Switch, or something else), though Yoshida has at least now confirmed that it won't be PC.Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII Reunion Nintendo Switch Version Full Game Setup Free Download I would like to release it eventually, and I think I will, but I am not at the stage where I can say when." "However, even if we start optimising the PC version after the PS5 version comes out, we won't be able to optimise it in half a year, so it won't come out in a short span of half a year. Of course, I would like to release a PC version at some point so that everyone can play as many games as possible. "This is because we spent a lot of time and money optimising the PS5 platform to deliver the best gaming experience. Naoki Yoshida says Final Fantasy XVI PC version will not be ready in 6 months after PS5's release (PS5 version has a 6-month timed exclusive) Translated from /bRPdts7rjP- Wario64 February 28, 2023 I will make it clear: the PC version will not come out in half a year.

However, it is a completely different story that the PC version will be released in half a year. Yoshida said: "It is true that Final Fantasy 16 is a six-month limited time exclusive on the PS5 platform. Speaking on the Japanese PlayStation Blog (and translated by industry insider Wario64 on Twitter, below), Final Fantasy 16 producer Naoki Yoshida said he would "like to release a PC version at some point".